Playing outside in contact with the elements, jumping in the waves, building sand castles, staging a little play with your cousins, transferring water, discovering new landscapes, making cultural visits, cycling, listening to your body, reading… Holidays are always learning! All the motor, sensory, playful, and cultural activities that the children will be able to do during the summer holidays, the moment, if any, of the great explorations, will make them progress, and promote the development of prerequisites and basic skills! So that you don’t run out of ideas and combine business with pleasure. Arts and Crafts.
A seasonal artistic activity that will awaken all the senses and work on fine motor skills! Crown, bracelets, or animals, we complete these supports by decorating them with various plants, wildflowers, and elements found in nature. This is also a very good way to work on the lexical field of flowers.
Fine motor skills are the result of precise, careful, and controlled movements, essential for daily autonomy. It is obviously an essential prerequisite for writing. It will therefore be strongly recommended to practice it all summer, especially for children entering the Grande Section or CP, who will be working on writing a lot all year round! So, hop, hop, we muscle our fingers, we train them for more dexterity and less fatigue! See their fingers like a football team, make them do a twister, casseroles, or puppets, here is a complete and very fun kit to train them!
Your summer horizon will be, at least for a while, the Parisian asphalt or the park downstairs! Never mind: all you need is a few chalks to re-enchant your environment!
Arts and Crafts: Additional
For this activity, each letter chalked on the floor in random order. We can differentiate the constituents of the alphabet, by reserving white for vowels, for example. From there, anything is possible! A letter named, and the child must jump on it, or throw a pebble at it. If he misses, he must say the name of the letter or a word starting with it. We give a word, or we open a dictionary at random and the child must spell it by jumping from one letter to another, we redo the whole alphabet.
Learning sounds, phonemes, and the alphabet are essential steps toward reading and writing. But this transition to abstraction can complicated and confusing for all children! The fact of manipulating letters and especially of associating them with objects will make it possible to anchor this knowledge and make their learning much more fun! The figurines will prove to be precious little tools to stimulate children’s speech by allowing them to develop their vocabulary. By associating them with printing letters, other small tools, and the cards that we offer here, the child will “mobilize language” in all these dimensions! An activity that will address the discrimination of letters, phonemes, the composition of words into syllables, and the categorization of objects!
The principle of barrier games is very simple. Two people are seated opposite each other, a barrier between them, and each receives the same objects. Depending on the objective of the game, one of the players gives instructions to the other or both players give each other directions. The objective is that once the barrier is removed, both players have the same result! An activity that, out of the blue, makes you work on formulating and respecting instructions, and vocabulary.
Arts and Crafts: Furthermore
Being able to develop a coherent story. With well-constructed sentences, using the right logical connectors, can be learned, it takes practice… Together and having fun! Arts and Crafts.
We know that reading, at least a little each day, is the best way to prevent children from dropping out and, for this summer, to spend a learning holiday! But for some children, especially those with dies disorders, reading can be scary. Many still lack too much self-confidence not to be reluctant when encouraged to this activity. So to familiarize them, and get them used to read, why not allow them to do so while having fun?
Give to hear the hidden meaning of a text, its music, its lexical richness, its moments of intensity; For the child who listens, learning to concentrate, appreciating a style, a story, a tone of voice, (re)discovering a loved story from another dimension… Reading aloud can be an incredibly rich moment. And a great path to self-directed reading. Classics to listen to or watch all summer long: here’s something to enjoy on long journeys! Math is everywhere around us; every day offers multiple opportunities to rub shoulders with it! Go for a short run and check your change, associate the surrounding objects with the names of the corresponding geometric shapes, make double-entry tables to find out who takes what in their suitcase or a family organizer to distribute the “chores”, read a plan, calculate the time of arrival…
The first piece of advice to give for working the masts this summer is therefore already this: take advantage of the slightest of these little daily situations to make it an opportunity to learn or revise. And for more structured activities.
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